Arman Tatoyan. Crimes during the new terrorist attack of Azerbaijan on Armenia are of genocidal character

in Russian – A Statement by Mr. Arman Tatoyan, The Human Rights Defender of Armenia from November 16, 2021. Source: The Azerbaijani armed forces have launched an obvious terrorist attack on Armenia, including in the vicinity of some civilian communities in the Syunik province. Their actions are criminal from the beginning, and are part of the genocidal policy of Azerbaijan.

Resolution of the conference in St. Petersburg on November 2-3, 2021

in Russian – On November 2-3, 2021, an international online conference “The UN responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage of ancient peoples from cultural genocide” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia

Press release of the international conference in St. Petersburg on November 2-3, 2021

in Russian – On November 2-3, 2021, an international online conference “The UN responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage of ancient peoples from cultural genocide” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia

Alexandr Manasyan. How Baku is hiding behind international law, pursuing a policy of culturicide and genocide

in Russian – A report by Alexandr Manasyan at the international online conference “UN responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage of ancient peoples from cultural genocide”, held in Saint Petersburg on November 2-3, 2001. About conference – Translation from Russian by

A. Marsoobian. Genocide Denial and Its Consequences for Victims and Perpetrators

in Russian – A report by Armen T. Marsoobian at the International conference in Yerevan on September 16. 2021. Armen Marsoobian is professor of Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University, First Vice President, International Association of Genocide Scholars.

Otto Luchterhandt. International legal foundations for the independence of the Republic of Artaskh

in Russian – An article by Professor Dr. iur. Otto Luchterhandt (Universität Hamburg, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, Lüneburg, Germany), 30.9.2020. Source:

ICJ: Armenia v. Azerbaijan – Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

On September 16, 2021 the Republic of Armenia instituted proceedings at the International Court of Justice against the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and requested the Court to indicate provisional measures –

Speeches at the International Court of Justice in Hague on October 14, 2021

in Russian – The International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, is holding public hearings over Armenia’s request to indicate provisional measures against Azerbaijan.

The Human Rights Defender of Armenia presented to the Pope the tortures committed against the Armenians

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of the Human rights defender of the Rep. of Armenia.

The diplomats who took part in the shameful action in the temporarily occupied Shushi on July 10, will betray their own countries tomorrow

in Russian – in Armenian – Azerbaijani authorities on July 10, 2021 organized the visit of staffers of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan to the temporarily occupied territories of the Republic of Artsakh, including the city of Shоushi.

The role of Turkey in the Genocide of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war

in Russian – Below are links to the articles mostly in Russian, however the translation in English is available upon request. For decades, Turkish agents have been spreading in Russia as well as in the world about Turkey’s “neutrality” in World War II. On the other hand, the agents of globalists keep silent about the truth, hide it from the public for the sake of their momentary interests.The role of Turkey in Nazism in Germany, in the genocide of the Soviet people in the WWII is weighty and multifaceted.

EP Resolution “Prisoners of war in the aftermath of the most recent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan”, May 20, 2021

in Russian – On May 20, 2021 the European Parliament adopted a resolution on prisoners of war in the aftermath of the most recent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan (2021/2693(RSP))

Allocution du Président des Etats-Unis Joseph Biden du 24 avril 2021

in English – in Armenian – in Russian – in Turkish – Allocution du Président des Etats-Unis Joseph Biden du 24 avril 2021 et politique états-unienne concernant la question de la reconnaissance, de la condamnation du Génocide des arméniens et les compensations pour dommages subis

ABD Başkan Joe Biden’in 24 Nisan 2021 tarihindeki mesajı ve Ermeni Soykırımı’nın tanınması, kınanması ve tazminat konularıyla ilgili ABD politikası

in English – in Armenian – in Russian – in French – ABD Başkan Joe Biden’in 24 Nisan 2021 tarihindeki mesajı ve Ermeni Soykırımı’nın tanınması, kınanması ve tazminat konularıyla ilgili ABD politikası

On Statement by President Joseph Biden of April 24, 2021 and US policy on recognizing, condemning and compensating for the Armenian Genocide

in Armenian – in Russian – in French – in Turkish – added web links to the referenced documents. Statement by President Joseph Biden of April 24, 2021 and US policy on recognizing, condemning and compensating for the Armenian Genocide

Two-faced Janus as the patron God of International politics

The ancient Greeks and Romans had many different gods who patronized people in one sphere or another. This tradition continued. Today when people talk about art they remember Apollo (Phoebus according to ancient Roman mythology), in conversations about medicine they mention Asclepius (Aesculapius) and they recall Ares (Mars) when they talk about war. Athena (Minerva) is considered to be the patroness of wisdom and Themis (Justice) patronizes justice and so on.Regarding international politics there was no such certainty except that the figure of the god Hermes (Mercury) was considered to be helping to conduct various negotiations, besides patronizing merchants, liars […]

Protest against sabotage of the international level

in Russian – April 10, 2021 – Day of Remembrance for the victims of the massacre of the Armenian population in the village of Maragha committed by Azerbaijan. A number of public organizations, together with refugees from Maragha, held discussions these days. One of the discussions was over the Internet in St. Petersburg with participants from different cities. In particular, a critical open Appeal to the UN, EU and UNESCO was adopted.

The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh remembers and condemns the Massacre of the Armenian Population of Maragha Settlement

in Armenian – in Russian – Source: MFA of the Republic of Artsakh, April 10, 2021 Commentary from This Statement of the Artsakh Foreign Ministry about Maragha is the shortest in size in comparison with the previous ones. However, it is the first time that crimes are called genocide. The 2020 Statement referred to Azerbaijan’s (just) attempt to carry out genocidal acts in 2016. In the Statements of 2013, 2014 … 2018 and 2019, as well as in the general Statement of the Artsakh Foreign Ministry (as of April 10, 2021) on the massacre in Maragha, […]

V. Krivopuskov: Questions to Ilham Aliyev must be considered in the Hague Tribunal

in Russian – March 30, 2021 Victor Krivopuskov published an article (in Russian) on the website of information agency REGNUM “Aliyev should be responsible for the casus belli of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh war-2020”. We give it below translated in English by Some publications of Viktor Krivopuskov are at –

Report on Armenian Genocide by Kasturi Chatterjee on March 29, 2021

Kasturi Chatterjee (FLAME University, India) presented a report at the International Symposium on March 29. 2021. The title – “That-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named: Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide, Historical Legacies, and Potential Hopes for Future“.