Statement by the Foreign Ministry of Armenia on the 31st anniversary of the anti-Armenian massacres in Baku

in Armenian – in Russian – Web site of MFA of Armenia 13 January, 2021 31 years ago, the international community witnessed another crime against the Armenian population of Azerbaijan: the Armenian population which was an essential part of then Baku’s multicultural identity was subjected to the massacres and mass deportation carried out with particular cruelty. There were hundreds murdered, maimed, missing, tens of thousands of refugees. The anti-Armenian massacres in Baku of January, 1990, completed the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population of Azerbaijan.

Christian Solidarity International Warns of Genocide of Armenian Christians in Azerbaijan

Source: CSI web site, January 8, 2021 The president of Christian Solidarity International says there is a genocide of Armenian Christians in Shushi, Nagorno Karabakh in Azerbaijan. According to a press release from Christian Solidarity International, Islamic groups in Azerbaijan have forced some 100,000 people to flee the area. “Nagorno Karabakh lies at the center of a long-running geopolitical conflict, what Kipling dubbed ‘the Great Game,’” Christian Solidarity International president Dr. John Eibner said. “’The Great Game’ is a power competition for the vast, strategically important, predominantly Turkic Muslim territory stretching from Anatolia to Xinjiang province in western China.”

MFA of Armenia: Azerbaijan is responsible for committed mass war crimes

in Armenian – in Russian – On January 9, 2021 MFA of Armenia published a Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia on the violations of the trilateral statement and international humanitarian law by Azerbaijan.

Groningen Journal of International Law. Genocide Risk in Nagorno-Karabakh

in Russian – Source: January 4, 2021 by GroJIL-blog 1 Comment Dr Melanie O’Brien and Dr Suren Manukyan Atrocity Risk Factors Multiple risk factors lead to the commission of atrocity crimes, including genocide. Many of these risk factors can be observed in the Nagorno-Karabakh situation with regards to the Armenian population of that entity. This post will draw on several crucial sources of genocide risk factors: the United Nations Framework Analysis for Atrocity Crimes, and the work of several genocide scholars such as Barbara Harff. While the UN Framework lists 14 risk factors of atrocity crimes, scholars over the years have presented anywhere from […]

Bakou a reconnu lui –même: le Haut–Karabagh n`est pas Azerbaïdjan

in English – in Russian – Alexandre Manassyan  le 31 octobre  2020 Аnnotation Le Haut–Karabagh n` appartient pas  de DROit  à l` Azerbaïdjan . Le monde   le sait, mais ignore le droit. Et Bakou  s` en sert comme  permis au génocide. « Le Haut–Karabagh – c`est l` Azerbaïdjan ! » – c`est l` appel,  avec lequel le président azerbaïdjanais a lancé son armée et les terroristes au hachoir à viande de guerre. Pourtant  les documents   ratifiés par lui – même  ou avec sa participation sur le Haut – Karabagh   prouvent le contraire . DOCUMENT 1. La déclaration sur l`indépendance […]

Ombudsman of Armenia: Open threats against Armenia and Armenian society were used in Aliev’s speech on Jan 7, 2021

in Armenian – in Russian – Below is a Statement by Ombudsman of Armenia Arman Tatoyan published on his official web site. On January 7, 2021, the President of Azerbaijan, in his speech summarizing 2020, used statements and emphases which are part of the anti-Armenian policy in Azerbaijan and the organized propaganda of hostility towards the Armenian people.

Azeri WarCrimes: Chemical weapons in Karabakh

in Russian – On January 29, 2020 the project “Karabakh Records” published a 4-min video in Armenian with the titres in English. Many of the Armenian soldiers wounded in Karabakh are receiving medical treatment at the National Burn Center in Yerevan. According to the doctors, the wounds are typical of a chemical or phosphorus weapon (in 70-80% of the present cases) and treating burns caused by chemicals and in particular, by white phosphorus, presents serious challenges. Doctors, nurses and soldiers struggle all together. Watch the report available in English and Russian to get to know more about one of […]

Mark Geragos about the crimes committed by Azerbaijan

in Russian – Attorney Mark Geragos (California) multiple times publicly expressed his views for the rights of Armenians in Artsakh and against the crimes committed by Azerbaijan. Below is his new initiative and few tweets after recent war started against Artsakh.

US Congress calls for National Intelligence Report on attacks against Artsakh

in Russian – On December 22, 2020 US Congress called on the U.S. Administration to provide a detailed report on aggression in and around Artsakh, demanding a detailed analysis of the impact of U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan and Armenia and its ramifications on the balance of power in the Caucasus region. Source –

Documents on war crimes committed by Azerbaijan were transferred to the Prosecutor and the Police in Armenia

in Armenian — in Russain — On December 28, 2020, documentary protocols on war crimes committed by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan were signed by Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan and transferred to the Prosecutor’s and the Police Offices in Armenia, as bodies of general jurisdiction. Below is the translation into Russian of the article of the Ombudsman from his official website by

Meeting of IPTCA on December 25, 2020

in Armenian – in Russian – On December 25, 2020, an expanded meeting of the Organizing Committee of the International Public Tribunal for the Crimes of Azerbaijan IPTCA was held. Agenda: general issues and a brief presentation of the new work of professor A. Manasyan on the topic “Azerbaijan’s annexationist policy towards Nagorno-Karabakh: political and legal facts.” In this material, the author presented 30 theses (aspects) of the problem on 25 pages. This work was sent to the participants, translation into English has begun.

The Parliament of Luxembourg unanimously adopted a resolution on the final settlement of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh

in Armenian – in Russian – On December 19, 2020 the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies unanimously adopted a motion on Azerbaijan-Turkey-jihadist aggression against the Artsakh. Source: official web site of the parliament (in French)

J. Eibner: sanctioning those responsible for atrocity crimes against Christians in Karabakh is a must

The article “Losers in the 21st-century Great Game” by John Eibner was published in CSI web site on December 18, 2020. Dr John Eibner is the international president of Christian Solidarity International. Story featured in the Church times December 18, 2020 BADLY wounded by Azerbaijani rockets and desecrated by invading soldiers, the Armenian Apostolic Cathedral in Shushi, Nagorno Karabakh, stands today forlorn and lifeless. Prospects of the incumbent, Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, celebrating Christmas there this year — and for the foreseeable future — are nil. The town has been effectively “cleansed” of its Armenian Christian population (News, 4 December, 11 December).

International reports of the war crimes perpetrated by Azerbaijan

in Russian – Source: Embassy of Armenia to Switzerland-Permanent Mission to UN Office in Geneva, Dec 22, 2020 and also MFA of Armenia Independent international sources have circulated numerous reports on the war crimes perpetrated by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh. Below is a compilation of some highlights for the ease of reference.

UNESCO Declaration on ensuring cultural property protection in and around Nagorno-Karabakh

in Russian – Source: web site of UNESCO, December 11, 2020 The document was accepted at the 15th Meeting of the Committee. See another note from Dec 21, 2020 underneath a text of the Declaration. Declaration of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of the Second Protocol to The Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict – ensuring cultural property protection in and around Nagorno-Karabakh and setting-up an independent technical mission

Condemn and end the Armenocide policy pursued by Turkey, Azerbaijan and their accomplices Israel

in Russian – in Armenian – On December 21, 2020, the Congress of Armenian Refugees from the Azerbaijan SSR published its statement in Armenian. Below is an unofficial translation into English by the editorial board of

Some 150 scientists across the globe apply to Vatican over preservation of cultural heritage in Karabakh

in Armenian – in Russian – Source:, December 11, 2020 A petition on the preservation of the cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) signed by around 150 scientists from around the world has been submitted to the Vatican Secretariat of State of the Holy See.

Armenian FM at the Ancient Civilizations Forum about escalating aggression and violence in the world

in Russian – Foreign minister of Armenia Ara Ayvazian participated on December 15, 2020 at the online 4th Ministerial Meeting of the Ancient Civilizations Forum. Armenpress cited him: “It is critical today to promote a culture of peace to face the escalating aggression and violence that we have been witnessing around the world. The culture of peace can only be founded on strong international cooperation and the Ancient Civilizations Forum is an important platform in this regard as it brings together countries with thousand-year-old ancestral cultures and vast tangible and intangible heritage”.

UK Parliamentary Debate on Artsakh conflict on Dec 8, 2020

in Russian – Members of UK Parliament debated the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh on Tuesday 8 December 2020 in Westminster Hall. This was a general debate. General debates allow MPs to debate important issues, however they do not end in a vote nor can they change the law. The debates lasted more than one hour, a text of full protocol is here.

Truth and Accountability: Ethnic Cleansing in the Modern Age in Artsakh

Source: AGBU, December 22, 2020 Given its century-old history of advocating for the human rights and dignity of the Armenian people, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) has long recognized the importance of supporting all victims of ethnic cleansing, genocide and other crimes against humanity around the world. That is why it continues to observe December 9th—the United Nations International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and the Prevention of this Crime–with inclusive discussions of an international scope, each year focusing on a different theme related to this vast, multi-dimensional subject.

Nuncio of the Holy See: Vatican is ready to help preserve cultural heritage in Artsakh

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of the president of Armenia, December 9, 2020. On December 9, 2020 president of Armenia Armen Sarkissian received the Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See, Archbishop José Avelino Bettencourt (residence in Tbilisi).

Dr. John Eibner: The war against Nagorno Karabakh is the latest episode in the process of Armenian Genocide

An interview with Dr. John Eibner, published in CSI web site on December 3, 2020 and partially in German in Die Tagespost, November 26, 2020. A new chapter in the suffering of the Armenian people is being played out in Nagorno Karabakh. CSI Director John Eibner answers questions on the situation following the ceasefire.

Azerbaijan is an aggressor worthy of new Nurnberg

in Russian – On December 3, 2020 Viktor Krivopuskov published a new article in the well known information agency REGNUM “Who will be responsible for the tragedy of Nagorno-Karabakh?” Viktor Krivopuskov is a chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship with Armenia, PhD in sociology, laureate of the Boris Polevoy Literary Prize, Honorary Member of the Writers’ Union of Armenia. Below is a partially non official translation from Russian by

Testimonies of victims and their descendants

in Russian – Taking into account the experience of other similar structures in the world, in 2020, the International Public Crimes Tribunal of Azerbaijan (IPTCA) began to form. The initiators were co-organizers of two international conferences dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the massacres in Baku and Shushi. At the second conference, the relevant information was presented. The special web site contains over 600 publications in 3 languages. In 2020, several critical appeals were sent to the UN and the EU.

An urgent appeal of WCC to UNESCO for the protection of Armenian religious and cultural monuments Artsakh

Source: web sites of World Council of Churches and Armenian Church, Eastern Diocese in US, November 23, 2020. In a letter to the Director-General of UNESCO, the Geneva-based World Council of Churches (WCC) has made an urgent appeal for the protection of Armenian religious and cultural monuments Artsakh.

We need a Tribunal to convict the one who started the treacherous war against Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27, 2020

in Russian – On November 12, 2020 V. Kazimirov published an article in the popular Russian information agency REGNUM. Vladimir Kazimirov – is a former ambassador, head of the Russian mediation mission in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 1992-1996, honored worker of the Russian diplomatic service. V. Kazimirov’s website – Below is a non-official translation from Russian by

Question from Armenia: Vladimir Putin, are you on the side of the pan-Turkists and genocide makers?

in Russian – On November 26, 2020, independent analyst Sergey Shakaryants (Yerevan) published a critical article on the website of the “Yerkramas” news agency. We give it below as is in non-official translation from Russian by On November 25, 2020, the press secretary of the President of Russia, the well known Dmitry Peskov, during a conversation with journalists, answering the question whether the peacekeeping mission in Artsakh is really expanding, taking into account the fact that doctors and specialists are sent there, among other things, to resolve issues heat supply, and with what it is connected, answered rather […]

UNESCO: Reaffirming the obligation to protect cultural goods of Nagorno-Karabakh

in Russian – Source: web site of UNESCO, November 18, 2020 On 18 November, the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, received the representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan to the Organization.