MFA of Artsakh: Baku’s policy represents in its essence a combination of Armenian-hatred, Nazism and terrorism

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of MFA of the Republic of Artsakh, March 10, 2022

Statement of National Academy of sciences of Armenia on the Armenian Cultural Genocide Program implemented by Azerbaijan in Artsakh

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of the Academy of sciences of Armenia

Ombudsman of Armenia issued a new AD HOC public report on the Azerbaijani policy of hatred and animosity towards Armenians

in Russian – On February 2, 2022 Human Rights Defender of Armenia Arman Tatoyan published on the web site and on February 4 presented in the press-conference an evidence-based emergency report on the new developments and dangers of the Azerbaijani state-sanctioned Armenophobic policy in the post-war period.

Letter of Bishop Daniel to President Joseph R. Biden

in Russian – Bishop Daniel, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian church, responded to Catholicos Karekin II’s request dated Feb 8, 2022 by sending a letter to U.S. President Biden, as well as other governmental officials.  The full letter dated Feb 10 appears below. In the original text there was a typo, it was fixed below: the war started in the autumn 2020, not 2021. Source:

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh in connection with the intention of Azerbaijan to appropriate the Armenian cultural heritage

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of MFA of Artsakh, February 8, 2022

The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin condemns albanization of Armenian churches by Azerbaijan

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of Holy Etchmiadzin, February 8, 2022

Davit Knyazyan in UN: We continue to witness from Azerbaijan the rise of hate speech, identity-based hate crimes, state-led disinformation campaigns and promotion of fake historical constructs

in Russian – Source: web site of MFA of Armenia, Fenruary 8, 2022

Comment by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on the statement of the Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: web site of MFA of Armenia, February 8, 2022

Spitak Khach Monastery (White Cross) is a target of Azerbaijani propaganda

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: Artsakh Monuments Spitak Khach Monastery (White Cross) is a target of Azerbaijani propaganda. November 5 on the Azerbaijani website www. cbc. az a video was published, which again showed the “pilgrimage” of the representatives of the Udi community in the Surb Harutyun Church near the town of Hadrut, the Spitak Khach monastery in the Vank village.

Statement of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia on the 32nd anniversary of the anti-Armenian massacres in Baku

in Russian – in Armenian – Source: January 14, 2022

Provisional measures by International Court of Justice dated December 7, 2021

in Russian – On December 7 2021, International Court of Justice issued its orders on the requests for provisional measures made by Armenia and Azerbaijan in the proceedings instituted by Armenia against Azerbaijan and the counterclaim of Azerbaijan against Armenia under the “International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination” (CERD).

John Eibner. Religious Cleansing in Progress: Beyond the Armenian Genocide in Time and Space

in Russian – On September 9-10, 2021 a large Conference on International Religious Freedom and Peace took place in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin (Armenia). Below is a report made by John Eibner (London) at this conference. Some other publications by J. Eibner and Christian Solidarity International (CSI) – here. Photo from this source.

Valeria Olyunina. Azerbaijani Propaganda and Falsifications of Alexander Tamanyan’s ‘Russian Period’ Heritage

in Russian – Source: Valeria Olyunina is Editor-In-Chief of Nasha Sreda and an employee of the Public Institute of Political and Social Research of the Black Sea-Caspian Region named after V.B. Artsruni.

About UNESCO policy of silence and connivance to the crimes of Azerbaijan

in Farsi – in Armenian – in Russian – Source: Artsakh Monuments page in Facebook, December 8, 2021

Nikol Pashinyan on the need for an adequate response from the international community to the facts of destruction and distortion by Azerbaijan of the Armenian cultural, historical and religious heritage of Artsakh

in Russian – Source: On November 23, 2021 Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received United Nations Under-Secretary-General, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Miguel Ángel Moratinos.

Open Letter of the Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian organizations to the President of the Russia V. Putin in connection with the act of armed agression by Azerbaijan against Armenia

in Russian – On November 16, 2021, the Coordination Council of Russian-Armenian organizations (CC RAO) sent an Open letter to Russian President V. Putin.

Arman Tatoyan. Crimes during the new terrorist attack of Azerbaijan on Armenia are of genocidal character

in Russian – A Statement by Mr. Arman Tatoyan, The Human Rights Defender of Armenia from November 16, 2021. Source: The Azerbaijani armed forces have launched an obvious terrorist attack on Armenia, including in the vicinity of some civilian communities in the Syunik province. Their actions are criminal from the beginning, and are part of the genocidal policy of Azerbaijan.